Thanks to the generosity of many and commitment to reach out to others, we are ecstatic to announce that our Tutor position is now FULLY FUNDED!! This means that every month our after-school tutor, Denis, will receive a fair and well deserved salary for the work he is...

Phase 1 Bakery Goal Complete

Exciting news as we have complete our first phase of the Bakery Micro-Business we support! Jobs are few and far between on the rural Island of La Calzada. Many people crab, fish, and take out shells for a living, hoping it will be enough to earn an income for the day....


We are at 50% for raising support for our tutor/education coordinator in the Island!! This position is going to fill a HUGE need in the lack of education on the Island. Unfortunately a good education is not available to everyone, and the issue is a complex one at...

High School Sponsorship

Education Project One of the ways we are combatting the lack of education for those living in the Isla Calzada is through High School Sponsorships. Classes are only offered up to grade 9, therefore any further studies would mean a student would have to travel off of...

February Mission Trip Recap

Update! February 4-10, 2018 Mission Trip I’m so excited to share with everyone the AMAZING time our team had recently in El Salvador. This was our second official mission team to come with us, many who had served with us on our first trip. While every trip is...